The U.S. government is issuing stimulus checks to every eligible American. But there’s an extra step required for millions of people. The IRS has created an online form for people who don’t normally file a tax return, known as non-filers. It’s a free and easy way to provide basic information so non-filers can receive their economic impact payment as soon as possible.
On their own or with the aid of a trusted person, the individual can visit and select the non-filer application.
This free resource is designed for:
• People whose gross income from their 2018 or 2019 federal income tax return was under $12,200 for single filers or $24,400 for married couples
• People who aren’t required to file a 2018 or 2019 federal income tax return for other reasons
• People who receive Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Railroad Retirement benefits AND have children younger than 17
Unfortunately, the window has closed to use this tool for those who have a child and don’t normally file a tax return. These individuals, who do not receive a payment that includes up to $500 for any qualifying children, can file a tax return next year to determine their payment based on 2020 and claim any additional amount they weren’t paid this year.
The process only takes a few minutes to complete.
1. Click “Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info” on
2. Provide name, address, Social Security number and that of dependent information.
3. If available, enter bank account information. This will allow the IRS to deposit directly into the account; otherwise, payment will be mailed to the address provided.
Spread the word and share the impact. Help your community by sharing this information with individuals, organizations and not-for-profits.
• Your local chamber of commerce
• Religious associations and congregations
• Nursing homes
• Homeless shelters and other organizations that support non-filers