We encourage you to contact us and just ask if we can help. It seems that everyday we encounter people who are in the midst of a crisis. Oftentimes it is tax or financial related. What many people do not realize is that we have collected a wealth of free information and make it available to you in our Free Resource Center. For example, we provide you with 28 articles crammed full of helpful information if you are considering buying a home – from applying for a mortgage to buying a house for sale by owner.
What if you win the lottery? We have some advice for you. Have you ever wanted to start your own business? We have 33 articles just for you! Have you experienced the loss of a spouse, are you unemployed, how about starting a family or considering a divorce… these “Life Events” and so many others are covered in our Resource Center. We invite you to take a look for yourself.
In addition to our Life Events section, we provide video alerts on current events and more than 30 calculators and Flowcharts in the Center.
While many of the problems we encounter are financial or tax in nature, many are not. Our business involves people, not just numbers. Hardly a day passes that we are not assisting a client with some sort of crisis. And while we have numerous written help guides and years of tax and financial experience, those resources do not always offer the solution. So, we suggest “Just Ask!” Our Firm offers numerous tools, strategies, and suggestions; however, sometimes the answer lies in who you know rather than what you know.
Over the years we have developed numerous relationships with those in different fields of expertise. If we are unable to solve your particular problem or adequately address your concern, there is an excellent chance that we can refer you to someone who can. There is a solution, sometimes our role is to just point the way – Just Ask!